Introduction to HTML

  • HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
  • HTML is the standard markup language (presentation language) used to create web pages.
  • Markup language contains set of web pages using markup tags. (note: Browser do not display the HTML tags, but use them to present the content of the pages.)
  • Browser generates corresponding output based on the tags.

Evolution of Markup Language.

1) GML - Generalized Markup Language.
  • GML is design by IBM to prepare their internal documents.
2) SGML- Standard Generalized Markup Language.
  • GML rules are modified as a tags in SGML;
  • First time markup tags are used in SGML.
3) HTML and XML
  • HTML and xml inherits the rules from SGML.
  • HTML is used for data presentation .
  • XML is used for data representation (data storage).

Version History Of HTML

  • HTML 1.0- 1991
  • HTML 2.0-1994
  • HTML 3.0- 1997
  • HTML 4.0 - 1998
  • HTML 5.0 - 2008-2004 

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