Tags And Attributes

 Tags And Attributes

  • A web page that is created using HTML is also called as HTML documents.
  • Every HTML documents created with the help of following items.
  • 1) Tags
  • 2) Attributes

Tag :

      All the tags are divided into two categories.
        1) Paired Tags
        2) single Tags


  • Attributes are used to provide required details to tag so that we can use as per purpose.
  • ex. href, src
  • Few Attributes are optional attributes.
  • ex. bgcolor, align
  • All  the attributes in HTML are divided into two categories
  • 1) Tag specific attributes.
  • 2) Global attributes.

1)Tag specific attributes

    Tag specific attributes are applicable to only for specific tags.
eg- <img src="img_name.jpg"/>
      <a href="demo.html">Next</a>

2) Global Attributes

Global Attributes are applicable to all HTML tags.
eg. Id, Name, Style, Tittle, class

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